I don't expect an "all-in-one" lens to perform like my "L" glass lenses, and for specific shots and situations, I wouldn't think of using one. But there are times, like on vacation, where I just want to travel light while still having more capability than my compact G1X MarkII can give me. I got all excited last year when I heard that Tamron was coming out with a 28-300mm zoom for full frame cameras. It finally came out as model A020, and I held off buying it until I could study some reviews from users, but it suddenly disappeared from the market place (especially the Canon version). I waited for it to reappear, having heard that it was so popular that Tamron couldn't make them fast enough. After a while, I called Tamron and they said they would be available in a few weeks, but they never showed up. I couldn't get a straight story anywhere and there were still no alternatives to Tamron for this kind of lens. Then, recently, I saw that Tamron was showing another 28-300mm lens, model A010, that appeared to be a little larger than the original lens and had a platinum band around it instead of the original gold band. It was also about $100 more than the model A020. I waited a while to see the reviews and they were pretty good, so I finally bit the bullet and ordered the lens. http://tamron-usa.com/lenses/prod/28300_vcpzd.asp#ad-image-0
The Apparently Defunct Model A020 The New Model A010
I haven't had much time to play with the new "all-in-one" Tamron yet, but the initial photos I took with it are promising. I used it at a family outing, so the photos are personal family pictures that I don't wish to post on the internet, but when I get a chance to use the lens a bit more, I will post some photos taken with it so you can see the results.
On Sept. 8 I went to Hartford, CT where Tamron was holding a Tailgate Tour event and I had an opportunity to talk to a couple of Tamron reps. I asked what happened with the A020 28-300mm lens, but they either didn't know, or wouldn't tell the story, but I would guess that the original lens had some major flaw in it and they stopped making them. It took them some time to redesign the flaw out of the lens and reissue it, but I finally have my "all-in-one" lens for full my full frame camera. I have not had a chance to really put it through its paces yet, but when I do, I will post my opinion along with some photos taken with it. It won't replace my "L" glass lenses, but it will probably save my back on my next vacation.