The Isaac Ber Gallery

The Isaac Ber Gallery

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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Using The Cloud As A Portable Photography "How To" File

How many times have you been out in the field shooting and you can't remember how to pull off a certain kind of shot, or you're trying to think of ways to pose a subject, or even trying to remember how to set your camera for a certain situation. You probably have all this information at home or in your office, but if you store the files on your computer there is a way that you can have access to that information from just about anywhere. Whenever I read an interesting "how-to" article, I'm in the habit of saving it to a file on my hard drive. I also download the user manuals for each piece of my equipment to a file on my computer because I find it easier to find that information on the computer than having to search for the physical manual when I need it. This may facilitate my ability to find information when I need it, but it still doesn't help me if I'm not near my computer. But there is a solution. Most everybody today has access to cloud storage on their smart phones or tablets. Often, there's a fair amount of storage offered for free. I use Google for my e-mail, and they provide 15 G of free cloud storage with their Google Drive app. In Google Drive, I created a folder entitled "Photography" and I have created subfolders, as necessary, and uploaded manuals, how-to articles and other information that I feel I might need occasionally when I'm out shooting. Now I can access this information from my tablet or my smart phone regardless of where I am as long as I have wi-fi available or I'm in range of cell phone service.